Welcome to The Little Purple Backpack
A friend of mine once said that he had visited many beautiful places and had no one with whom to share that memories. I suppose that’s why, as a solo traveler, I took so many photos. As someone who has traveled solo many times, I’ve realized that many of my travel memories were mine, and mine alone. Although I documented many of my trips with photos and personal journal entries, with the intention of capturing and sharing bye experiences once I was back home, many of the stories were never told in detail.
The Little Purple Backpack is named after the small backpack I purchased before a two-month trip to Asia that included exploring Thailand and Malaysia before spending a month teaching in China. It was one of the many backpacks that I’ve picked up and stuffed, and then began my adventure.
The Little Purple Backpack was born from the curiosity that I somehow developed of having to see things for myself and doing so by carrying everything that I needed in a compact sack on my own back. Every big adventure can fit in a small travel sack just as the immeasurable desire to experience the world fits into the heart of every traveler. I’ve never understood when people have told me that they live vicariously through my adventures. I’m not sure why I ended up being the kind of person who needed to see things for herself, but my travels have become a part of me and have shaped me into who I am. I’ve learned so much from traveling and I truly believe that the experiences have helped me to become a more open-minded individual – in a way that nothing else in my life has come close to doing so.
Thank you for visiting my travel blog! Time to do some visiting of your own and remember to be a respectful guest!